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8月, 2017の投稿を表示しています

How's it going?

 July 16, I went to Mitsui Greenland , an amusement park in Kumamoto. That day, one of major Yosakoi dance festivals was held, so I w ent there to dance.  Before talking about the performance of our team, I want to express my excitement of having watched another Yosakoi team. The team is called Higomaguma, which consists of many students from some universities in Kumamoto. Their performance was powerful and amazing! I was impressed and encouraged to dance!  Thanks to the great performance of Maguma-san, I was ready to dance and to have fun, so I could dance just with happy feelings! I also felt that dancing with the members was nice.

Olympic Adventure

The girls are cross when they can't get in to the Olympic Games.  Children time travel to the past. there are people in ancient Greek. Women can't take part in Olympic there, so the children came up with Olympic with women.   Hunt, R. (2007).  Olympic Adventure . Oxford University Press.

The Broken Roof

The little house gets broken at school. How does it get mended?  Children who own this little house time travel into the past. They meet children who own the little house. Even though their appearance is different, they become friends soon. vocabulary dump 捨てる mangle 手回し式脱水機 Hunt, R. (1987). The Broken Roof.  Oxford University Press.